You don't know me, but I have watched you fight for you son for the last 330 days.
Today is 332, and with tears streaming down my face, I am watching you eulogize him, a moment we prayed would never come to pass.
You told us that Hersh is finally free.
Gone, but free.
Then you asked Hersh for help- that now it was his turn to help you. To help you survive this new agonizing chapter of grief.
I know that I was not the only Jewish mother last night who could not sleep.
I could not stop thinking about you and your family, about Hersh, and the pain this day would bring. I dreaded the light brightening outside my window, not prepared for the epic amount of suffering our people, your family would suffer.
You said in your eulogy that you would continue to need support, and that "We have given you nothing" (in return).
I can't think of anyone who has given more in this time of crisis than you and Jon.
Your moral clarity, your leadership with love, your unshakeable resilience and commitment to hope--
you have given us- the mothers in Israel -the Jewish people- more than we could ever explain.
You are our generation's Mama Rachel- a role that was thrust upon you, but you rose with your head held high, role-modeling eternal, devoted, loving motherhood.
Motherhood that transcends fences, terrorism and war-
love that now transcends from this world to the next.
When we had no hope- no clear sense of how to move forward- you gave us a path. You told us stories of your son, you continued to step up even though all of us watching had no idea where you found the strength.
We wept alongside you.
Believed alongside you.
Prayed with you.
Grieve with you now, too.
I pray that you and your family feel held in this time by your people. That we have a chance to continue the work and bring the rest of the hostages home to their families.
I pray that Hersh knows how much you fought for him.
I pray that you and Jon know how much we are here with you; how much you all have touched our lives and the future of the Jewish people.
I pray that you, your family, and our people are comforted among the mourners of Zion-
and may Hersh serve as melitz yosher for us as we enter this new year.
We need redemption more than ever.
