Please God, while we wait to hear if our hostages are alive or dead
Released from a world of darkness to a world unknown
Give us all the patience, the presence, and the possibility
of welcoming them back home, whole.
Enable us and their families to wrap them in healing.
While we hold our breath, from near or far
Bless the people of Israel to make us strong, instead of hardened
Skilled, yet gentle, free of bitterness.
May our pain teach us kindness,
And warm us to others, keep apathy at bay.
May we find soul where we've been broken,
For the cracks are how the light gets in, and how the light emerges.
May transcendence rise where naivety once lay,
Let loss become wisdom and fear turn to a better future.
May we find healing in community,
May we find refuge in each other, as life's winds pull us apart.
May love be the thread that mends our hearts,
And hope and prayer, our guides home to redemption.
Written by Tzipora Lifchitz, Artwork by Sefira Lightstone
Submitted by Az Nashir Contributors