Everything right now is apples and honey, pomegranates and shofarot, and that means that we are closing out another year and beginning again.
Surely, it was the most intense year of our lifetimes, maybe of many lifetimes.
The ride of grief, despair, overwhelm, rejoicing, and always fighting for hope - has been one that has been hard to navigate.
I think this struggle to stay hopeful- to hold on to that belief that things could get better, that we could get out of this mess - has been challenging to hold on to.
We had to confront our deep sense of humanity- that we are not infallible, that we make mistakes, we feel ugly feelings, we wrestle with darkness, and sometimes we drown in it.
But we also have worked to elevate ourselves with kindness, community building, comforting each other, caring for one another.
And the hardest of all, for many of us, was taking an honest look at all of it- who we have been, where we come from, who we are, and who we seek to be- and keep the momentum going into the future.
Because of all that threatens us, there were many hours of despair.
All that keeps our hostages captive, our people still waiting to come home to the north and south, the families in limbo waiting for their soldiers to come home - all that sharpens their teeth against our borders and send missiles into our skies.
There were so many days this year where it felt like we couldn't get the answer we wanted from God.
We wept and wailed and railed against the injustice and the rising antisemitism and fighting too many battles that we knew we couldn't win alone.
After a painful summer, I think a lot of us didn't know how we were going to face all our failures and losses and an endless cycle of violence and fear that threatened to start all over again in a new year.
But the last few weeks, were shocking and awe-inspiring, and I feel a newfound hope.
That God is sending us messages through open miracles, the step-by-step targeted destruction of our enemies- those who curse us and make it their life's mission to end the Jewish state and people.
God is serving justice.
Through the IDF - I think God is telling us so clearly that this is a story that we will be retelling for another millennia.
And it's not over yet.
So instead of fear, today I am feeling hopeful.
Open to wonder.
And finally feel ready for a new year.
And all the miracles that await us.
So here is a prayer for today:
May it be Your will our God,
To grant us clarity of vision to see Your plan.
To root out the evil that is plaguing Your people,
Use us as Your tools,
For You are our maker.
Strengthen us as You stretch out Your arms
Raise a canopy of shelter over us,
Take our enemy's might
and scatter it to the winds.
Leave the air clean and smokeless,
the skies clear,
and the land blossoming in love for You and each other,
as we enter a new era of peace, together.
