Dear SHVILLI Community,
We are an intentional collective of Jews, from all over the world, who seek to reflect inward with hope during this historic hour.
The world right now is awash with a darkness that seeps into our consciousness and everyday lives. For millions of people, this moment is bringing up ancestral, inter-generational, and personal experiences of trauma that's living in our minds, bodies, and souls.
We are living in a vortex of time; where experiences that seem part of history, are being lived in the present. We see events through the prism of the past, and yet we have the opportunity to rewrite our experiences through the new story of our own time.
We acknowledge that maintaining our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health requires moments of pause and reflection. We need opportunities to dedicate ourselves to transmuting the fear we feel into healing by developing a robust sense of self and well-being.
Our tradition gives us the strength and wisdom to foster love, understanding, compassion, empathy, and kindness for ourselves and others.
As an ancient people, we know how to ground ourselves with goodness when we are faced with evil.
We are dedicated to living and nurturing the best facets of humanity, even in the face of war and antisemitism.
We are powered by the vision of Zionism, a Jewish state in our indigenous homeland inextricably tied to the destiny and blossoming of our people.
Whether in a Jewish neighborhood, community, school or college campus, war front, or home front, we are one collective connected by a shared love for Jewish life.
We seek to ground ourselves in our bodies.
We seek to process our pain.
We affirm God’s good in the world.
We express gratitude for blessings.
We pray for a bountiful and ascendant future.
We can together, visualize a new reality, where-in we thrive and actualize.
Join us and engage in the work of healing through reflection, connection, journaling, meditation and daily exercises to promote personal and communal well-being.
