Dialoguing With G-d
The prayers in this book are a beautiful exercise in creative dialoguing with G-d.
Our siddur is canonized and ever-relevant, everlasting; and yet there are many ways to communicate with the Divine. Through the siddur we are able to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors and be part of a great chain of generations, living and praying for the same desires, hopes, and dreams.
But as every individual is unique, we too have the opportunity to cultivate our own conversations, the dearest wishes of our own hearts. Never replacing our liturgy, these home-woven prayers are born from the fabric of our own specific lives; our experiences, our needs, and the realities we want to partner with God to create in this world.
They are for us, to share with our sisters and friends, to offer to larger communal settings in an effort of leadership- they reflect the moment of time we are living in, the unique challenges and issues of the day.
They are words that we offer in our most intimate moments, our hearts broken or swollen with joy; they are personal, they are public, they are meant to be whispered into our pillows, or recited by many.
Here are some prompts to use the structure of traditional tefillah, to write your own prayers that address your personal relationship with God.
Our canonized tefillot are structured by theme; Shevach/Praise, Bakashah/Request, and Hodaah/Thanks.
Let’s think about how they can be relevant to personal prayer.